Mad Quickies: Cartoon Theme Songs Done Early 90s R&B Style, Lego Hubble, Anti-NSA Light Graffiti and More!
Here we are again. Listen: I’m going to make your Monday better by serving up these here links. They will make you think, gasp (GASP!) and laugh. I promise.
You (YES YOU) can make a Lego Hubble Telescope a reality.
Comic book maps through the ages: See a map of the Batcave from 1968. There’s a T-rex in the Trophy Room, obviously.
Anti-NSA messages projected onto the US embassy in Berlin by Oliver Bienkowski, a guerrilla “light-graffiti” artist.
The mind-boggling (to me) Vi Hart breaks my mind yet again with her video about rational numbers being impossible. All I know is that she wrote out my zipcode in one of the random examples.
Goooooooooorgeous textile moth and butterfly sculptures by Yumi Okita.
Okay. This is going to make your day. Cartoon theme songs done in the style of early 90s R&B songs. It’s so beautiful and wonderous. The Transformers theme is posted below for your worship. Here are all of the rest. Bow down.
Featured image by Gabriel Russo