Mad Quickies 6.27
More on color. Plus robots! Muppets! MST3K!
- A debatable color analysis on the changing hue of movie posters.
- Cracked weighed in with their observation: 5 Annoying Trends That Make Every Movie Look the Same.
- RadioLab asks the question: Why isn’t the sky blue? It’s part of their fantastic series on Colors. Listen up.
- Jude Stewart asks the question: What’s black-and-white and red all over?
- Affordable retail find: Sprout bookmarks!
Flying. Robot. Light show.
1979 Muppet Movie Screen Test / part 2
{via Melissa K}
Jim Henson improvises in Muppet Movie director Jim Frawley’s camera test with the Muppets on location.
A joke from every episode of MST3K
The fan who created the compilation says:
“At the end of three months that I’ll never get back, here is a project I’ve been wanting to do for some time. Every single movie that MST3k ever riffed. And as many shorts as I could get. And anything else MST3k related I felt belonged here. Enjoy.”
Featured image is Mantis Shrimp by Perry Aragon and was used in the Crayola-ification story. Incidentally the Mantis Shrimp was the Geologic Podcast’s Interesting Fauna, Show 268.
I totally and utterly ordered the Little Sloth necklace yesterday. The anthropomorphized sloth is my spirit animal. So lazy, yet so happy.
Oh, that Little Sloth necklace is crazy wonderful. I’m so glad you ordered it!