Mad Quickies 3.14
- Bloom is an art installation of 28,000 potted flowers installed the Massachusetts Mental Health Center for its closing. Photos of a deeply poignant exhibition and an interview with the artist Anna Schuleit.
- Delicate, elgant wearable kinetic wing sculptures. {thanks to Heina}
- An art installation that exists in increments of moments: real clouds in the middle of the room. The artist is Berndnaut Smilde. {thanks to Julianne H.}
- A real rock star in LA makes headlines, acquires fans. {thanks to Amy}
- Questionably habitable, but a stunning architectural experiment in minimalist living: Fujimoto’s House NA.
Lots more stuff plus a teeny, tiny, eensy …
well, just jump and you’ll see.
- A Yale symposium this past February poses the question: Is drawing dead?.
- Morbid Anatomy amusing post about Gawker and 19th century medical mummies.
- Surprisingly cheery photographs from Siberia.
- Favorite recent postage: Pioneers of American Industrial Design.
The Underwhelmer chronicles preparing to move his family to Germany. Not sure how science-y this is, but it’s damn funny and has naked cartoon x-rays in it and stuff.
Watch a nanoscale race car get 3D printed with a laser
{thanks to Cloe}
Read all about the racecar project here and find a list of Raspberry Pi stories here.
from the page
In the video, a race car with dimensions of 330x130x100µm3 is fabricated. The structure consists of 100 layers, each made of an average of 200 polymer lines. It is finished in 4 minutes and resembles the CAD file at a precision of ±1µm.
Featured image is by Berndnaut Smilde from the series Nimbus, 2010; Cloud in room; Lambda print, 75×112 cm.
For some reason, when I click on the Bloom link, I just get liked back to the Quickies post.
The Bloom link is probably supposed to be this one:
Thanks a bunch. I had a broken link that escaped me. You people rock! And, breadbox, thanks for the installation's site.