Mad Quickies
Mad Quickies 12.7
- Atoms, ions, structures of elements, theories of relativity and combustion are … hot! And these are among the themes in this collection of designs by Simon C. Page entitled International Year of Chemistry 2011. And these are his posters for the International Year of Astronomy 2009. It’s that gorgeous combination of design and SCIENCE!
- You can generate engineering, logarithmic, polar, hexagonal, isometric and polar graphs in a few clicks and even set the gap parameters when you print free graph paper.
- Protest art before Occupy. An ambitious art exhibit in California — Peace Press Graphics 1967-1987: Art in the Pursuit of Social Change.
- A fascinating story on Ge Wang, his company Smule, and Sing, Robot, Sing, an app that will launch in 2012
Animals, tattoos, a cat in an Apple, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt…
- The Temporary Tattoo Project
- Awesome anthropomorphic animal art from Berkley Illustration.
- It’s a robot rug for kids!
- From the super fantastic Superhero Supllies: Speed of Light!
- Here’s the story on an eMac’s conversion to a self-tweeting cat bed. {from Joseph K}
Joseph Gordon-Levitt founded the project Hit Record. It’s an open-collaborative venture in production. If you are an artist, musician, video editor, remixer, photographer or illustrator, you might be interested. Oh- and they share the prfits. Crazy, right?
Here’s the site.
Here’s the tumblr.
And here’s one of their videos featuring Joe, Will and Seth.
Robot rug for kids? No way. That thing is mine or I’m going to hold my breath ’til I die.
How does the free graph paper site manage to erase my paper and printer costs?
@Bjornar: It works like this: You download the file you’d like and then you print it out, thereby saving money on… on… Look, do you want some graph paper or not?