Mad Quickies
Mad Quickies 11.30
We’ve got LOTS to cover. Let’s get started then, shall we?
- Get out your holiday shopping list, because you’ll want to consult the Skepchick Gift Guide.
- And speaking of gifts, check out this hilarious gem that the internet gave us the other day. What to do if you’re the first human to make contact with aliens. All in all, good advice. We’re making Live, Nerd, Repeat a regular stop.
- Zombies! Robots! Gingerbread Hannibal! Things that defy categorization! Cool tees at Glennz.
- MechaniCards Miniature, mailable, hand-operated, kinetic sculptures.
- Bruno Munro’s Field of Light is a stunning illuminated light bulb garden, currently an outdoor exhibition at the Holburne Museum.
- So you think you know color. Really? Then take this test. {from Joseph K}
Much more after the jump. Plus, Jet Man!
- A speculative essay on the horrible, horrible roots of the science fiction genre. {thanks to bibliotequetress}
- From Turning Art: some fantastic art updates and new offers! Treat youreslf or give it as a gift. {via Anne S}
- Are you able to create a cool physics video? Enter it at Phylm and maybe you’ll win. {from Elyse}
- The Sketchbook Project is amazing on so many levels! It’s collaborative, worldwide and creative, but it’s a good example of a library reinventing its importance in the community. Participate! {from Maggie}
- Animated tattoo art? That’s just crazy talk. 10 cool animations found in very unusual places.
MakerBot open source toy kits for your 3D printer.
There is so much awesome in just two minutes. Check it out!
Completely unrelated, and why not:
We saw this at Weird Things.
It’s Jet Man! {via Justin Young}
That color test was seriously fun! I got all correct!
You are indeed the king. Of colors!
I don’t like that test, or… I’m somewhat ambivalent about it. On the one hand it’s nice to have conclusive proof that I have lower blue-green sensitivity than your average human, on the other hand it’s conclusive evidence that I’m sub-human.
Truth be told, I had an awful score. I made the mistake of taking it while still bleary from an 11-hour press check, at which point, everything looked like the Sunday Morning Illusion.