AI: Why Didn’t I Think of That?
One of my favorite things about the hyper-connectivity of the Internets is that, in an instant, we can share ideas with anyone. Often, I find myself bopping around from link to link marveling at all of the projects and experiments, artsy, science-y, geeky or otherwise, that I see. And just as often, I find myself wondering “Why didn’t I think of that?”. It’s part jealously, part awe. And I love the feeling. Anything from a clever turn of phrase, to a great recipe, to a painting, to an essay, can inspire or make you think or change your mind.
What have you experienced lately that made you think “Why didn’t I think of that?”
The ART Inquisition (or AI) is a question posed to you, the Mad Art Lab community. Look for it to appear Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3pm ET.
Khan Academy
@dpeabody: Yeah, see, that’s exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about. What a genius frakking idea!
Yeah, I say that to myself at least once every couple days. Some recent examples:
How do you turn a phrase? On that note, how do you half expect something?
I’m often inspired by the humor of cartoons.
I did not click Steve’s links but I now want a bacon wrapped hot dog.
Amy, you have to click the link. Just… it’s better than you can possibly imagine.
My moment was seeing the Cyclotrope
I do alot of replacement animation with things like flowers and shells and realized I could show people what I do instead of having to explain it. The best part was that Tim Wheatley, the video’s creator, produced a document explaining his process and things like what cameras worked the best.
I created my own adaptation and brought it to a park during an artwalk in Jacksonville, FL so people could see animation happening in front of their eyes.