Mad Quickies
Mad Quickies 9.21
It’s the Friday Quickies! Surf’s up!
- Pufferfish practice fin shui. {via Katie H.}
- Delicate, complex configurations on vintage ledger paper: Geometric Channeling by Louise Despont.
- Fanart at Pointlessly Random Blog of Destiny: Jupiter’s Gravity Protecting Earth by frikadeller. {via Katy C.}
- Microbiologist/photographer Zachary Copfer makes bacteriographs. {via SurlyAmy}
- A fractal gas station and other examples of architecture inspired by math.
- Turns out #406 No Lobster is the first of a trilogy, followed by #407 Notty Pine and #408 Exclusion Principle.
Lots more, plus a Robot Round-Up…
- Imma get high on every drug known to man and draw myself. Talking about this at the Lab, we think there might be a little placebo art going on here. Still, interesting. {via Maria}
- This might explain why so many things taste like chicken.
- Found object robots at Dishfunctional Designs.
And speaking of robots, I found you something nice:
- Robot Alphabet by Mama Robot
- A vintage-style Robot tie tack, cufflinks and tie clip by Cosmic Firefly
- Robot lollipops by Sweetniks
- Plex the Robot crochet hat by HLP Studio
- Tiny domino Love Bots by Gary Hirsch of Botjoy
- A metallic lemon-lime Robot bobblehead clock by Rockdorf
- Robot pendant charms by Hooked On You
- A printable Robot Mini Coloring Book by Travis Gore Design
- Vinyl Robot wall decals by Stephen Edward Graphics
- Robot Owl t-shirt by Apesnort
Amazing, clever and charming…
No Place Like Home
Designer Dominic Wilcox made shoes with a built-in GPS system.
Real Life Emoticons by @JemmaKuma
Ginger Potato
{via Steve D.}
Six-year old Ima tells the story of Gumdrop, a well-dressed gingerbread man who just can’t catch a break.
LEGO Great Ball Contraption
{via Russ}
Featured image is an excerpt from No. 14 by Louise Despont.
Graphite on antique ledger book pages, 2012. ©Louise Despont