Mad Quickies

Mad Quickies 6.13

Casey Neistat turns getting a ticket for biking outside the bike lane into a bit of performance art…

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  1. That painting thing reminds me, I’ve got My Kid Could Paint That checked out from NetFlix right now. Documentary about a 4-year-old kid whose art is compared to Picasso and Pollack. Should watch that tonight…

  2. I won one of those bar-contest handmade-bikini contests with a jello-shot bikini. (A rather more challenging construction material than selective laser sintered nylon, but there was also tinfoil, plastic wrap and string involved.) I was immediately accused of bribing the judges with jello shots.

  3. jtradke: The thing that got me about “My Kid Could Paint That” was the change in perception of worth depending on who people thought created the paintings.

    BonnieBeth: I wonder if laser-sintered jello shots is possible…

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