Lab Tracks

Lab Track: Fear & Fallacy, Sitting in a Tree

Thanks to Ryan’s recommendation, we here at the ‘Lab have been ravenously consuming the music of Quiet Company for the past week. Nearly every song on this neo-folk-ish alt-rock band’s latest album has a skeptical bent, and the music itself brims with well-crafted melodies performed by Taylor Muse’s clear, soaring tenor. I listened to the whole album on the way to work this morning. It’s awesome. This is what I’m saying.

Fun fact: Quiet Company provided a wealth of music free of charge to Curiosity Aroused, the Skepchick podcast.

Here’s one that focuses on…well, I’ll leave that to you. I think there are a few ways to take these lyrics, and half the fun lies in interpreting them. Enjoy!

Fear & Fallacy, Sitting in a Tree
Quiet Company

I tried a million times to understand it
And I thought I did
But at the bottom of this there is a panic
And I bought right in

But the problem with me
And the problem with you
Is that we’re all just so scared to die
But I know my time is coming

So let’s bow our heads for something,
Pray that god is on our side.
But the pagan and the pious
They all sound the same,
“Oh my god! Oh my god!”

The problem with me
And the problem with you
Is that we’re all just so scared to die
But I know my time is coming
I can’t keep my time from coming.

This has been another installment of Monday Lab Tracks. Send us your musical recommendations through our contact link at the top of the page, and tell us what you think of the song in the comments below!

Ashley Hamer

Ashley Hamer (aka Smashley) is a saxophonist and writer living in Chicago, where she performs regularly with the funk band FuzZz and jazz ensemble Big Band Boom. She also does standup comedy, sort of, sometimes. Her tenor saxophone's name is Ladybird.

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  1. I’d like to recommend a possible future Lab Track: “Joy of Cooking,” by Old Man Luedecke. While it’s not really explicitly skeptical or atheistic, it is a great song about how religion’s comforts fall short for some people, who can instead find fulfillment from a different, more earthly place. Also, bacon.



  2. Yeah the old podcast was called Curiosity Aroused. You can find it on itunes still I think. 🙂 It was awesome.

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