Now, do not misconstrue, I know they exist (I’ve written about two New York city standouts The Rap Guide to Evolution and StoryCollider in the past). But what about the rest of the world?
Do you have an art/science event in your area? Tell us about it! And give us dirty, shamless, plugs if you’re involved in them personally.
The ART Inquisition (or AI) is a question posed to you, the Mad Art Lab community. Look for it to appear Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3pm ET.
Speaking of plugs. StoryCollider is running its first fundraising campaign over on IndieGoGo. One of the gifts you get for donating is a collection of illustrated stories, including “Aggression” by lovable skeptic John Rennie, which I am illustrating.
I will be at Geek Girl Con in Seattle October 8th and 9th. There will be art and science there!
Link to Geek Girl Con for more info:
Also there are rumors they are adding a panel on skepticism and I might be on it. wOOt!
I recently started a skeptics group in Raleigh NC …apparently. We’ve had two meetings so far and seem to have fallen into a every second Wednesday pattern. Next meeting is tentatively 10/12 at Blinco’s. If you’re interested, look for #RalSkeptics on Twitter or request to join the RalSkeptics Google group (
Over in the UK in March 2012 we’ll be having the second QED conference. It’s 2 days of science and skepticism with lashings of fun and entertainment. One of the speakers is Sarah Angliss who synthesizes music, robotics and electro-acoustics to national acclaim, literally blending science and art. The ticket price (£89) is ridiculously low and the money goes to charity – but not only is there a smorgasbord of international speakers, the 2 days are also packed with fun and entertainment. You can check out the website at and follow the twitter feed #QEDcon.