General ArtScienceSkepticism

Welcome To Mad Art Lab!

Allow me to welcome you to the brand-spanking new member of the Skepchick Network, Mad Art Lab! Woohoo!

This website will be dedicated to the intersection between art, science and skepticism. James Randi Poster by Amy Davis Roth

Much in the same way that the contributors on Skepchick write about science, skepticism and pseudoscience with, “intelligence, curiosity and occasional snark,” the Mad Artists will tackle topics as well.

But we have a super powered weapon in our arsenal.
We bring ART!

And not only traditional art-school art. We are loading our pseudoscientific blasters with painting, comics, photography, video, performance art, music and every other creative endeavor in between. We hope to make the world a little smarter, a tad bit more beautiful and a whole hell of a lot more interesting!

The Mad Artists will be presenting their initial creations and introducing themselves over the next few weeks.

We offer you a clean white lab coat (soon to be covered in paint) and we cordially welcome you to the lab.


Amy Roth

Amy Davis Roth (aka Surly Amy) is a multimedia, science-loving artist who resides in Los Angeles, California. She makes Surly-Ramics and is currently in love with pottery. Daily maker of art and leader of Mad Art Lab. Support her on Patreon. Tip Jar is here.

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  1. I am an artist and freethought organizer, currently working on a skeptic-themed webcomic also. I am planning on launching my new comic this summer, but would love to work with you in the meantime! Please send me an email if you need contributors, I emailed the skepchicks earlier but haven’t gotten a response. Definitely looking forward to this site!

  2. This is great!

    As a composer, I frequently find that I’m the only skeptic in the room at meetings, networking events, or other get-togethers, so I’m really looking forward to this.

  3. Thanks for dropping by!
    I know that feeling very well and I have an article coming up on the subject which will also include a tale of near art-theft by hippies.

  4. This is awesome! I’m so excited! Have another exclamation point!

    I have been trying to figure out a way to incorporate skepticism in my art – my style, which I’m still developing since I’m new at doing visual art, tends towards the cute, and I haven’t quite figured out how to bring the science in. I think this might help though, I was even inspired to celebrate a bit in my art journal. (

    I look forward to have a place to hang out where I can question things like the Artists Way stuff, “angel healing art” and suchlike. I feel like I have to bite my tongue a lot in online artsy communities.

  5. Love this. The fact is that art and science frequently come together in new-media art, but only rarely do they do it well. It often seems like those interested in skepticism and science look on art as another form of woo, but I know that there are plenty who don’t fit the stereotype.

    I’ve been reviewing contemporary art shows for several years in Tokyo, and from time to time an artist will bring my two interests close together. So I was happy to see this site come online.

    And, um… while that is a fine example of a WordPress page on your “About” link, you might want to consider putting part of this post up there. Or at least maybe, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ” 🙂

  6. Can’t wait to read it. “Near art-theft by hippies” would make a great album title.

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