Mad Quickies: #1000BlackGirlBooks, Bad Movie Science, Linguistics in Disney, and More!
Hey everybody! I’m trying my hand at the Quickies this week. I think this is where I say something exciting, like To the Quickies and Beyond! How was that?
24-year old Florence “Flow” Adepoju has founded a lipstick brand that makes shades designed first and foremost for black skin tones, which has gained it a cult following. Via Courtney.
In the same vein, 11-year-old Marley Dias got “sick of reading about white boys and dogs” and has started a book drive, called #1000BlackGirlBooks, that rounds up books with black female leads. Via Courtney.
A team of linguists have examined a bunch of Disney films and determined that they say some damaging things about gender roles. Who knew movies about princesses would include so much talking by men?
Do your mind a favor and BLOW IT by watching some of these mesmerizing kinetic sculptures by Anthony Howe.
This video runs down the bad science in sci-fi movies like Jurassic Park, Lucy, and Armageddon. Via CriticalDragon1177
Featured image screencapped from Anthony Howe’s video Switchback.