Mad Quickies
Mad Quickies 10.7
- To start your Monday afternoon off right: Peacock Spiders dancing to Daft Punk. Bug Girl requested on twitter that someone mix these two. crocofish provided! via Elyse
- Fluorescence Microscopy “In the non-microscopic world, it’s like using a black light on a stoner poster.”.
- Relearning Jazz Guitar after Brain Damage.
- Sobering gallery: All of the women Nobel Prize winners in a science category fit in in one slide show.
- When does intellectual property matter? Grumpy Cat, Memes and Content Creation “I think it’s just an example of people not caring where content on the internet comes from, until they are the ones making it. Then it’s important.”
- Women in TV Science/a>: do we need to move past the “laddish, macho culture” of tv presenting? I would say yes.
- Particles and the People who Love Them. Could a film about the Higgs boson make you cry? Clara Moskowitz reviews Particle Fever.
- How much abuse can a Lego block take?
- Chuck Wendig wants to change the way we talk about pop culture.
- What would Godzilla look like if reimagined in line with current dinosaur research? Feathered Godzilla!
- Pinterest board of the day: Forgotten Histories.
Phoria – Red
How do you make a song better? Sample Richard Feynman in it.
The Leidenfrost Maze
from the page
The Leidenfrost Maze was designed and built by University of Bath undergraduate students Carmen Cheng and Matthew Guy to demonstrate the self-propulsion of Leidenfrost droplets at public outreach events and schools. The video was created by Carmen Cheng as part of her undergraduate project.