Mad Quickies
Mad Quickies 3.4
- Cymascope visualizes the bubble of sound generated from a note played on a piano.
- Alice Finch made a 400,000 brick Lego Hogwarts castle.
- Alligators, wizards, balloons and other alternate uses for an, erm, anatomically-suggestive cake pan.
- You can now get a full-body scan and make 3D gummi replicas of yourself …to give as presents …I guess.
- Pack Rat Studio built a model of the Nautilus, from scratch.
- Design customizable 3D objects using Parametric Parts.
- I bet you never knew you needed a porcelain skull brain.
- How about a collection of envelopes that claim to be important?
- And who wouldn’t want a shelf full of jarred plushies?
You know that creepy BigDog walking robot? Somebody thought it’d be a good idea to add an arm to it and teach it to throw cinder blocks.
Interesting Facts: The NYC Subway System
(Featured image via Cake Ideas)
Those jarred plushies belong in the Mütter Museum! Eek!
GREAT group of Quickies, sir. As per usual.
Steve! How dare you bury a Death by Puppets video in the quickies!
Well SOMEBODY hasn’t been posting them. (glares at Charles) 🙂
*shame* I finally remembered to post it on youtube and the DxP tumblr (and twitter)… baby steps for forgetful CP!