
Mad Quickies: Take me to the Beach and Sand Art

Sand Castles, Sand Candles, Sand Sculpture and Sand Layering.

Yesterday, I hit a wall and needed some rest and relaxation. Mostly, I just needed a break from my usual surroundings.

Lucky for me, I live about 20 minutes away from the ocean and so I got my main squeeze to pack me into the car, along with some sandwiches and drinks and we headed out to the famous Zuma beach in Malibu. A picturesque beach with tons of surf, sun and sand. It was beautiful. I was rejuvenated and slightly sunburnt. Worth it.

It got me thinking about sand so I found some cool sand-made art to potentially inspire you!

Sand Castles! Here is a photo gallery along with tips and tricks on how to build the best sand castles on your next trip to the big blue.

Sand Candles! I remember this fun craft from camping when I was a little kid. We would have a camp fire and use the fire to melt wax. Then, we’d dig a hole in the sandy dirt (Or you can dig a hole in regular dirt and add some sand that you have found elsewhere.) Next, you put a stick with a wick tied in the middle so it drops down into the hole. Then pour the melted wax into your sand hole and let it cool. The wick can then be cut off the stick and you end up with a cool candle to take home! Here is a link to a site that made a star candle for a visual aid. This craft can also be done if you have a sand box anywhere near by.

Sand Sculpture! Do you consider yourself more of a fine artist and less of a crafter but you are still digging this sand post? Well then welcome to the art of sand sculpture. The people who make these constructs are not simply splashing around. Check out this very cool post on how-to build legit sand art forms.

And finally Sand Layering Art. When I was a tiny tot in the 1970s it was super trendy to make beautiful rainbow designs and landscapes using nothing but sand and a glass bottle. It was the perfect craft for kids and for a while there was one in every home. It’s still fun to do and finding supplies is easier now and there are more colors! I found a great sand art bottle Pinterest page that leads you down a rabbit hole of many more sand layering art projects.

One trip to the beach can spark hundreds of ideas. I hope this inspired you to take a fresh look at the natural resources in your area. Perhaps you don’t have sand, but maybe you have something else that will lead your creative journey forward! If you do, let me know in the comments. Happy making!

Amy Roth

Amy Davis Roth (aka Surly Amy) is a multimedia, science-loving artist who resides in Los Angeles, California. She makes Surly-Ramics and is currently in love with pottery. Daily maker of art and leader of Mad Art Lab. Support her on Patreon. Tip Jar is here.

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