Mad Quickies
Mad Quickies 2.22
It’s the Wednesday Quickies!
- Entomology and Pop Culture: The Wrath of Khan! Visit The Bug Chicks for more videos that focus on arthropod behavior and biology.
- GigaPans are gigapixel panoramas and you can view 50,000 panoramas from around the world here. For example, here are some of th emost popular. It’s very cool that they show the panorama and an tiny excerpt. {thanks to Callan B.}
- Geografia – 3D Paper Cartography by Drill Design and AuthaGraph. View more images here
- Priceless Science: Striking Finds From a Rare-Book Fair.
- John’s Phone is marketed as The World’s Simplest Cellphone.
Lots more. Jump!
- Headphone and earphone jewelry from East Village Love. Also, robot with big eyes.
- First came Little Printer. Now there’s a DIY Internet of Things version. Ummm okay then.
- Dan and Dave – for magicians and cardists.
- Geologist Barbie. You heard me. {via Steve D}
- Nyan Cat phone charm from Shanalogic.
Snow Drawings at Rabbit Ears Pass by Sonja Hinrichsen
Snow Circles
Mesmerizingly beautiful.
Featured image for Theatrum Italiae by David Dowling.
The headphone jewlery looks pretty, but I fear it would just constantly get caught in my scarf or get tangled in my bag