
Wha? A fun movie with science? Losing Control

While not many films portray scientists in a non-stereotypical way, this trend is changing! Evidence: Losing Control, a film by scientist-turned-director Valerie Weiss. Like Valerie was, the main character, Samantha, is a science graduate student at Harvard. While the plot starts as a romantic comedy, it ends up as so much more. Delightfully, the main character’s research plays a critical role in the plot. While I have seen and very much enjoyed (with loud belly-laughs) this film, I’ll leave it to one of my MAL-friends to give it our official flask-rated review when it is publicly released. If you live near the Vail Film Festival or Harvard, go see it next month (details). Hopefully the film will soon find its way into wide distribution. Until then, enjoy the trailer:

Full disclaimer: I was very tangentially involved in the movie, since the main character has the great taste to wear Made With Molecules designs. This was also my only experience as an extra – and attending Hollywood premier. It all rather rocked, actually.


I'm a science artist and science writer involved in various informal science communication projects, such as jewelry based on molecule shapes, a quirky documentary on origin of life theories, and the Science Tarot. I have a PhD in molecular biophysics & biochemistry from Yale University and completed graduate work in science communication at UC Santa Cruz. I'm currently carrying on an off-grid homesteading experiment on the Big Island of Hawai'i.

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